This was the worse experience ever. I took my 7yr old daughter, along with my son who is 10. FELICIA, who apparently is the MANAGER, kept telling my daughter "YOUT NEED TO SIT STILL OR YOUR HAIR WILL BE JACKED UP". Who says that to a child let alone a customer? My daughters hair was extremely long, and she cut one side up to above her shoulder n the other side was dwn to past her chest. I WAS HOLDING MY DAUGHTERS HEAD SO SHE WLD NOT MOVE. I said " Her hair is CROOKED." She said "IT WAS FROM THAT GIRL WHO CUT HER HAIR HERE LAST TIME." Well the only reason we came bck was bc of the previous girl who did a great job. This is 2nd time I heard their MANAGEMENT BASHING ANOTHER STYLIST. I said "NO it is bc her layers grew out." I let her cut some more n she did her bangs and they were even more crooked. She said "MAYBE IF YOUR KID WOULD SIT STILL -WHAT THE HELL DO U XPECT". I said xcuse me. I asked " Don't u know how to cut kids hair?" She said "UR KID (YELLING AT ME) CAN'TAKE SIT STILL & THAT IS WHY HER HAIR US ALL JACKED UP!" There was that word again. I said " I work in sales and the customer is always right No matter what." SHE JUST KEPT YELLING AT MY CHILD. By the way my child was not moving at all when she messed it up. I was holding her head. I said "Stop cutting her hair right now bc I will not pay u for ruining her hair." I grabbed my daughter and said "u r extremely rude and I am going to file a complaint." SHE WAS YELLING " UR RUDE AND GOOD GO FILE A COMPLAINT! IT WON'THE DO SH.. !" Wow worse experience ever. I run a Sales Organization, and I can not believe SuperCuts or any salon would hire someone who treats little kids and their customers that way! Let alone make her a manager! DON'T GO HERE unless u don't want to be treated with respect and if YOU WANT UR HAIR RUINED. We left and I took my children to another salon and they could not believe it when I told the story. Also when I mentioned where we came from they asked me let me guess the girl's name was Felicia right? So apparently she is known to treat the customers badly and that is who they want managing.