After a long day, I ended up have an hour of extra time between my internship and part time job. AS USUAL... I was so thirsty after not drinking anything all day. So after a little Nordstrom Rack shopping, I searched smoothies and found this place!
I was expecting it to be a smoothie only place, but they surprisingly also had food options (salads, noodle bowls, and the like). But I have a one track mind and did not let that distract me!! I ended up picking a low-fat smoothie called somethingsomething limey... Excuse my goldfish of a memory. Anyways, it was delicious! The little hint of lime really made the drink, but wasn't overpowering.
While impressed with the taste, something even better happened! For $4-5 I was expecting just a small or mid sized drink one would get at Jamba Juice or Robeks, but when I was handed that smoothie it was a BEHEMOTH! This is the exact face I made :D!! The drink lasted me over the next 3 hours, wowza.