| - Well, I gave them as long as i could stand. Here's the TLDR version. Liars, and thieves, at least the sales department. Service department was good, albeit slow and inept. Long version to follow.
I was foolish enough to believe them that they said they had a second key. During the paperwork signing they said they couldn't find it, but they would get the second key to me, they didn't. I contacted about a dozen times and got answers either dodging me entirely, or claiming they never got it from the prior owner and that they weren't able to get it from her, but they would keep trying. Almost a year later, and i'm without a second key. I asked if they could help me remedy the problem (hoping they would at least split the cost, since i was lead to believe i would have one in hand) and was told I could buy a new one for something like $400. I know i should have gotten it in writing that they would provide me the second key, but i was foolish enough to think they would stand by their word. First mistake.
They told me my car was worthless and would be sent straight to auction and only gave me $500 for my trade, I came back to the dealer three days later (another problem i'll explain later) to find that my traded car was on their lot for $8000!!!! Hopefully some unfortunate soul did not get scammed buying that.
Then there's the reasons I was back at the dealer a few days later to witness my highly marked up trade in. There was an engine light that popped up when i test drove (it's a 2016, how bad could it be really), i can't remember what they excused it as, but they cleared it and everything seemed fine. Got it home, popped up again. Brought it in, was told it was nothing, cleared it and sent back home. Didn't even make it home and it popped up AGAIN. I got it checked myself at autozone, some kind of engine shutter dampers or something. I took it in and told them i had it read and what the problem was and they finally fixed it, although they now had to keep my car for a week when they should have never put it on the lot like this.
None of this should be surprising, because we've all gotten accustomed to the idea of the scummy lying car dealer. Naively i thought in 2017 that may have changed. This dealership is absolutely not to be trusted, don't trust them at their word, don't trust the vehicles on their lot, and absolutely don't trust their prices, or their valuation of your vehicle. If you choose not to heed my warnings, prepare to be scammed.