I'm bummed out by the bad reviews on here and frankly quite surprised. My family has been using Blackwell for probably 10 years now and they have always been nice, courteous, trustworthy people who do a great job fixing up our vehicles - and we have had all sorts. I can't speak to the prices very much but I had my car looked at up in Payson while I was there and having some trouble, and the price to fix it up there was basically the exact same at Blackwell, so I would be surprised if they are THAT much more expensive.
Anyway, what I like about Blackwell is they always tell me if I really need work done, or if it's a problem that can wait (I'm not made of money!). I bring it in for monitoring and oil changes regularly and I know I can trust them to tell me when it's time to really fix'er up. They also don't charge for unnecessary work or charge us just to take a look at the issue. If it's something we don't feel like fixing, then it's no problem. Plus, they are just all-around nice people, always remember your name and your car, and they will even drop you off back at your house if you have to leave your vehicle (even once when I had to be dropped off 30 minutes away).