| - Though I was a fan of the Lowes Foods that this store replaced, it is safe to say that I'm a much bigger fan of Harris Teeter. While there isn't much different, there are small differences that add up to make all the difference in the world.
Most notably is the deli/bakery section. Here they have a number of samples and plenty of special, and this is what truly makes the HT. While just about any area of the store has high prices, and this is no exception, on any given day you can find something here on special, and there is a good chance that it has a coupon attached as well - a good possibility for this is in the bakery section.
Another great area for purchases are buying chicken breasts at the deli counter. For whatever reason, if you buy the breasts that are already wrapped and packaged, they cost more than if you have someone do it for you, but that's fine, I'd rather have them fresh.
Staff is generally friendly, but every once in a while (most frequently at the bakery) you have to find someone.