| - Rudy's shop came as a recommendation from my trusted body guy. So, I decided to take my 2010 Prius for a real, first detail since I bought it 7 years ago. Boy, it is so spanking clean that it really does look, smell, and feel like a brand new car!! I will never let anyone (including me) drink or eat in my car! To be honest, I am not sure what is a reasonable price for a complete detailing, but the fact that I got an almost brand new car for less than $500... that's a bargain for me. As I said, I had not done any interior detail since I bought it, so my seats needed to be cleaned, my dashboard, my cup holder, my wheels... I'm not a messy person, but they get dirty after... well, 7 years. Rudy cleaned parts that I thought was a permanent ware and tare... I mean, he does magic to cars. Again, I am so glad that my auto body guy recommended Rudy's shop.