| - I have been recycling for a few years now. Wife is a housekeeper, and she saves bottles, cans, magazines and newspapers. I also recycle all material from my home that I can. I started recycling because republic services had pissed me off when they wanted to stop picking up my trash at my curb. They did not want to back the truck up, or walk a little for safety reasons, and expected me to dump my trash in front of neighbor's homes. I eventualy solved that problem by visiting the CEO, complaining about this, and he agreed with me and solved that problem. Anyway I decided that republic services was not going to get one scrap of recycable material from me, to re-sell. They get paid to remove trash, then get paid again when they sell the recylables.
I had been visiting several recyling centers, and found nevada recyling seems to pay the most. There might be a better place, but I havent found one yet. Nevada recycling has been fair, and decent to work with. I make 30 to 150 per month recycling. It is not much, but it pays the garbae bill, gas bill, water bill, and electric bills.
An example of my search for best prices; went to this one place that claims best prices, with a car load of plastic bottles. They offerd .01 cent per pound, but nevada recyling at the time was paying .08 cents per pound.
Any one found a better place let me know, but so far Nevada recycling seems the best. SA recycling seems to only want metals, and I dont like the method of payment they have. Sa recycling gives you a ticket, you take to a clerk, who gives you another ticket, then you take that ticket to an atm machine thing, and the machine spits out youre money. Problem with the machine is it does not give change. They also treat you like a criminal there. you stand on an X, while they photograph you, have to give id, and finger prints, several times. A bit much for getting a few bucks for some beer cans.