Buying a cell phone has become a more painful experience with each passing day. If it's not the obscene fees the carriers are pulling out of their rectums, it's the aggressive and sometimes deceitful service you get at the retail stores.
This particular store was a little bi-polar. When I purchased a new phone in December of last year it was a pleasant and low pressure interaction. I asked the rep a couple of questions (to confirm what I had already researched) which he answered correctly along with adding some info I was not aware of. Overall, it was one of the best retail experiences I've had in a long time.
Fast forward to April 8th and it was as if I had entered an entirely different store. From the first greeting you could sense the desperation in the air of "I need to sell you something NOW." I asked the rep a couple of questions about the phone I was interested in (which had also already been researched) and instead of getting the correct answer or even an "I'm not sure, let me check," I got pure BS. It was a lame attempt to cover his ignorance while trying to pass himself off as a cell phone expert. There's nothing that pisses me off more than being lied to. If you hadn't already guessed it, I did not purchase another phone from this store.
The quality in purchasing experiences shouldn't vary this wildly between reps and they sure as hell shouldn't be lying to the customer either. This was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I'm buying my next phone online and only using this store as a demo unit showroom.