SCAM!! SCAM!! SCAM!!! Don't waste your MONEY or TIME on these people! I was a member since November 2015 and here it is Aug 2016 and they have not yet to match me with anyone in my age group or criteria. You will be better off on tinder, POF, match or any online dating sites. The sales person Brittany Williams at the location that I signed up ensured me it was men my age waiting for someone like (keep in mind I'm 30). The matchmaker called me named Teresa (who called me from some customer service hot line somewhere in the US). Teresa began setting me up with men 20yrs older than me which was not in contract. Also, I did not want any men with children because I do not have children myself. She told me it's find to hard to a man with no kids nowadays and for me to settle. What a joke!! This should have been a big red flag. Things went downhill from my second match. She started setting me up with people that was not compatible or did not share the same interest. So after having several talks with Teresa, expressing my concerns, there was no changes. So I started to ignore her phone calls because when I asked to speak with a supervisor to express my concerns they were not available. You want to know why because the matchmakers are are dialing a CALL CENTER. So since I couldn't get in touch with anyone I took it upon myself to go the office at Fort Mill, SC to speak to the sales person (Brittany Williams) who signed me up. I took a day off from work and arrived at the office and not to my surprise the doors were LOCKED! The reason is because they don't like any surprises. Bottom line I was not able to speak with Brittany and the other lady Nicole told me she had a client and couldn't speak to me and make an appointment and to call client services. This was a big run around and a bunch of lies...I've been calling client services AKA call centers and no one has call me back to solve my issue. But I have NEWS for them. I have a family member who works for the news and she will get my story out there. Just wanted to share my story and experience with you all. My advice is to trust God when it comes to love and not people.