Terrible experience for our little pup. They are basically in cages the entire time they are at this 'resort' and I think Springbank Pet Jail would be a better name. Yes, you can 'buy' time for socialization with other dogs...even if you buy as much as you can....it works out to 3 hours over a 24 hour period. The rest of the time....cage.
Our dog hasn't been the same since we took him there. I had to physically pry him out from under our vehicle and peel him off me and hand him to the 'caregiver'. When we picked him up he was absolutely frantic. I had a bad feeling about this place from the start and I wish I had never taken him back.
It might be OK for cats who are more solitary.
With all the staff they have at that place - there is no reason they shouldn't have the dogs outside playing and interacting the whole day.