The Monitoring Centre - has one of the best prices for home alarm monitoring service in Ontario!
The deal - $9.99 a month, for 12 months, and they give you 6 months free. The service is monitored in Oakville and they inspect your home before making your system live.
I didn't require the alarm system - just the monitoring - and I was thinking for $10 the service would probably be really crap - but its not - they make multiple touch points / confirmations - email, phone and service rep for installation. The service rep was an expert who went around and showed me areas of concern / things i should pay attention too. He never once tried to sell me anything and actually told me I could get the pieces at a department store and they would set it up for me.
Also, I have read on other sites of people saying the alarm went off and the monitoring centre sent guards - well during the initial sign up they ask you - would you like to have the police or guards show up - they ask you this because in some areas to have the police come to your house they charge a fee (some areas the police charge like $200) - and some people dont want that. Luckily I live in peel and sending the police is free!
Conclusion - $10 a month is a steal - compared to others who charge $30, $40, $50.