To whom it may concern,
I purchased the discounted car detailing from Living Social for 2 vouchers to celebrate our 36th anniversary. Contacted Carlos owner of Quality Detailz to setup an appointment to come to our house. Carlos said we were out of his zip code and if he is to come out it would be $25 more. I never saw the opportunity to check if our zip code was in his service area but I agreed to the additional $25. We setup the appointment for the January 17, 2018. On the Wednesday morning the 17th, Carlos was set to arrive at our home at 9:AM. By 9:15AM I did not hear from Carlos so I called him to see where he was at. Carlos informed that he's truck was stranded on the freeway with a flat tire and no key for the tire locks for the wheel lug nuts. He said AAA was on they were on the way over and Carlos said he would call back later. I heard from Carlos at 12:30 PM that he couldn't make it and would come out the following Wednesday, January 24th at 9:AM. I said I'll see you next Wednesday. On Wednesday the 24th 2018, at 8:45 AM I called Carlos to make sure he was on his way and if he needed help with directions. Carlos did not answer his cell phone and I was sent to voicemail. I left a message on Carlos's voicemail wondering where he's at. No reply. I called an hour later to be sent to Carlos voicemail the 2nd time. Left a message. Two hours later still no reply. I called Carlos a 3rd time at 12:30 PM and Carlos picks up the phone to let me know he's LOST our paperwork and he's been detailing the cars from hell since 7:30 AM when he was supposed to be at our home by 9:AM. Stood up the 2nd for a better deal. He's totally unprofessional