Just purchased a 4-ticket annual membership good for all available locations via a Groupon special. Cost on Groupon $75 less 20% promo offer = $60.
Was anticipating seeing a large list of venues and shows...NOT!!!! Looking for Cirque du Soleil shows? Forget it. Big name talents? Absolutely not.
Never even heard of the shows, let alone the performers. Absolutely no famous/known talents listed on either the Las Vegas or Los Angeles site. LAME!!! Total ripoff. No wonder they need to fill seats for these shows.
**DO NOT BUY!! Unless you're into no name, unknown performers. Like I said, there were only about 8 listings when I searched around Thanksgiving for both LA and Las Vegas.
So disappointed. You will be too...even at $60. I'll be lucky if I am able to find one good show during the next year