| - I have been using this Walgreen's for 17 years now, but lately their customer service is severely lacking! I was calling neighborhood Walmarts, Walgreen's and CVS, looking for a potty chair for a friend who just had major surgery. When I called to ask the price at Walgreen's, the girl seemed quite put upon that I needed a price, so she just put me on hold for e5 minutes and forgot about me. So I finally hung up, and called again. I got the same, gum smacking millennial who sighed loudly when I asked for the price again, and said very rudely "we don't carry that stuff", to which I said I had actually SEEN THEM two days earlier in that very store, to which she replied that I was mistaken, and just hung up on me! Good customer service is important! Walgreen's needs to TRAIN these young employees who act like doing their job is such an IMPOSITION!