Big Scam. DON't go to this place. Do yourself a favor and never try this place out even if they offer you a free all year membership because 1- they are just scams 2- their management specifically Katy O'neil is the worst 3- after 1 year they will be like oh we said it is free but sorry we didn't really mean it is free now pay $$$
I got the membership online since there was a deal going on for cyber Monday "CANCEL any time"" which means u will be charged if u cancel. "Cancel anytime" which means you need to give a 10 day in advance notice... non of which was on my agreement until today when I went to cancel my membership.
They are showing me an agreement that doesn't have my signature on it and asking me to pay 10$ + pay the next month fee since you are not giving a 10days notice (am I moving out of an apartment or something?) And guess what if u don't pay the 10$ u can't cancel. And since the manager basically is just a "no one" sitting there she can't do anything and u need to go/ or call to their corporate office if u want to resolve the issue...Are u kidding me...
And a cherry on top is when the manager doesn't even bother herself to stop eating her food while talking " I don't want to see ur full mouth while u speak, so be professional and stop".
As a manager all she could tell me was if u had signed up in person then we would have explained the terms to u basically mean ur online application is sort of a scam that doesn't explain the terms clearly.
I personally see the place closing up soon since the last thing they care is their customers.