| - This store isn't that great at all, I mean, the service is so-so. Everywhere is yarn but not very well organized, and there are some bags of discounted yarn on the floor (yeah, on the floor) . And you need to knee down and then find your bag of goodies. Look, they are even under the table.. it's quite embarassing to find yarn like that.
Seems like she has a lot of baby yarn, I remember she told me that she loves knitting baby stuffs because they are fast to finish. She has some back issues of Interweave Knits, and I asked if she has certain issue (at that time I was looking for a particular one) , then she said "I don't like Interweave!" oh well, I found my issue.
She doesn't have too many hand dyed yarn, or indies.
Parking is not a big problem, there are some parking spots on the street.
sorry, no website.