| - At first, I was hoping I would be able to give this location a more positive review. However, upon my return home I was significantly disappointed.
The location of this Ed Hardy store is within the Fashion Show Mall only a couple stores from it's entrance from Las Vegas Blvd. The layout is pretty standard for most "boutique" style shops. One side women's and the other side was men's. Up the gut are some tables displaying both Ed Hardy and Christian Audigier apparel laid out with lights reflecting off the gold-foiling on each garment.
The staff seemed upbeat and ready to serve. Upon arrival, the cashier was busy with an upset customer who found out she couldn't use her credit card at the store and got whiny about. From what I caught of the conversation, the cashier was very courteous and explained both the situation and the best resolution. The floor support seemed helpful, but here's where things get disappointing..
There were a pair of shoes that I was ready to buy and I had tried on the right shoe of the pair. Everything was good, including the price.. However, one of the shoes (the left) was missing. After a feeble attempt of trying to find the missing shoe, I was offered an ultimatum. Go home without the pair and the nice girl was going to contact me when it's available and have it shipped at no additional cost.
At that point, I was happy with the option since I lived about 1200 miles away and in another country (Canada) and she made it clear that I wouldn't have to pay an extra dime. In fact, I was bragging about how awesome that was of the girl and of the store for giving me that as a choice.
A week has now passed and I haven't received a call. I took it upon myself to call today to inquire about the pair of shoes and I was able to get in touch with the girl who had helped me out. Unfortunately, she has had no luck finding the shoe's mate, but did offer to extend the offer of free shipping for something else that they would have in-stock.
Ultimately, I am disappointed that the girl did not follow-up with me to let me know about the situation. I appreciate her attempt to help, but it comes up short due to the lack of follow-up. I don't know what or if she has done anything to find that missing mate, but if the lack of communication is any reflection of it.. Tsk Tsk.
Would this stop me from ever shopping here again? Nope, but I will not be fooled into believing that the customer service does not end once you leave the store. It most certainly did, this time.