I adopted one of my dogs from the CCHS, and I can't say enough wonderful things about this facility. I imagine they are working a shoestring budget but they nonetheless take wonderful care of the animals who unfortunately find themselves here.
They have a rather involved screening process to make sure that the animals they adopt out really do find their proverbial "forever homes." When we adopted, there was a brief waiting period to avoid any impulsive adoptions, as well as a requirement that we bring in our other dog to meet our adoptee to make sure they got along. All of the staff were very friendly and you could tell from the way they interacted with the animals that they really care about all of the animals. Personally, I don't think I could do such heartbreaking work and maintain the kind, gracious, and dedicated demeanor that I have observed in the workers here.
If you're interested in making a donation to the CCHS, you can do so here: http://www.cuhumane.org/donations/index.html