| - The Time Shop. My review mostly concerns The Time Shop, it's the watch repair kiosk and I'm pissed off at them like supafly TNT.
Here's some copy from their website, for context. Spelling errors are theirs. "In most cases, your watch represents a substantial investment or strong sentimental value so you can't afford to leave it to just anybody. We at The Time Shop, take pride in providing you, the Bay customer, with the finest quality workmanship to protect your most personal prized posessions."
Back in December, I took my girlfriend's watch in for a new battery. The girl at the counter took the watch into a back room, we heard a loud banging noise, and she brought it back out, handed it to me, and said "that will be fifteen dollars". Looking at the watch, the face was shattered. I don't know if she smashed it with a hammer or what, but it would not have been easy to cause so much damage in such a short time. I said it was broken, and she said "it was like that when you came in". I insisted it wasn't, and she told me it would be repaired, free of charge.
She did not apologize for lying, or for breaking it.
It has been about eight weeks now, and they have not returned the watch.
So, The Time Shop. Come in with a watch, leave with no watch. The exact opposite of how a watch store should work.