| - cool atmosphere, nice barbers. busy, but not too expensive.
I'm a pittsburgh native but i live out of town. i came in for the holidays and needed a haircut. i've had some bad luck with barbers in the past so my lady wanted me to try someplace a bit nicer that would put in some extra effort. so after she found this place on here, i decided to check it out.
i went at about 2:30 on a friday and there was a constant flow of people the entire time i was there, which is good for the barbers but you might end up waiting for a while. i did, but it was probably worse by the time i left. by then the place was packed.
when i got there an older guy was in the chair getting his hair cut, he said it was his 90th birthday so his barber gave him a free cut and a shave, just thought that was pretty cool. the same guy, who wasnt my barber, encouraged the folks waiting to have a free drink from the mini-bar in the back of the shop. i didnt have one but also pretty cool.
my barbers name was scooter. he did a good job, i just told him roughly what i was looking for and let him take care of the rest. he asked questions when he needed more info and delivered a quality cut.
considering the quality and the effort of the barbers here you would expect it to be pretty pricey but it was actually just as cheap as any other medium scale barber. if i remember correctly, cuts were 15, wash and cut was 25, and shave was 10.