Love this place.
This is where I get my hits. Those pods keep me alive.
I haven't tried the cafe downstairs so cannot comment.
99% of the time when I am there, they give me a free espresso when I'm waiting in line. If they don't give me one, I ask for one. That is why I am taking 1 star off - because to get 5/5, it has to be perfect.
I don't notice a pretentious air about the place like some reviewers say. It is just the Nespresso brand that they are selling and they do a very good job. It is so tight and together.
I like watching the Nespresso propaganda on the screen behind the counter - the video advertisements. Today there was one of a blue bird dropping an orange pod into the machine. It was nice and made me happy.
Some people don't go to the store and order online. I like to save the shipping fee and get the free espresso each time I come here and step into the Nespresso world just for a few minutes.