I would like to give 3.5 stars but Yelp doesn't allow half points. And I don't round up.
Overall, the service was good except for the one waitress who was completely stupid - we were being attacked by a huge bee and asked for help. She gave the bee a look of disgust and said 'I don't know what to do with a bee!' and ran away. WHAT.THE.FUCK. At least move us to a different table or get us something to swat it away. IDIOT.
Anyhow .. back to food. The tuna appetizer was deliciously cured. I think I could have eaten that as the main. Refreshingly cool. The oysters were 1$ each but were pale in comparison to Celli's Cottage - I would pay a tid bit more and visit the latter instead. The steak frites were an utter disappointment - it was rubbery and tasteless. Honestly, I was arm (steak knife was sawing away at it) and tooth (chomping down on it till my jaw was sore) wrestling with it. The dessert was great tho - it was warm and chocolatey. My companion loved this dessert ... for me tho, I was still dreaming about the Creme Brulee I had at Epic.