| - They didn't vacuum the trunk then gave me a lame excuse that it's their policy because customers don't want their trunks vacuumed. Even if some people don't want their trunk vacuumed why not ask?
Updated 6-25-2013 after comment from Cobblestone:
This policy of not vacuuming trunks wreaks of pure laziness and profiteering, and has no bona fide basis in customer preference or respect for privacy. People also store "personal belongings" inside their car, including guns, illegal drugs, iPods, and other expensive electronics, yet the inside is always vacuumed. Indeed, most people keep their most valuable possessions inside the car, not sliding around in their trunk.
Even if there was some bona fide concern for privacy, the solution is to ask customers whether they would like their trunk vacuumed, not to skip it without giving the customer any notice or opportunity to choose.
It is telling that nowhere in any of Cobblestone's advertising or signage does it state that trunks are not vacuumed, which is borderline, if not outright, fraud. The reason customers is that vacuuming trunks takes time, and if you skip 5 trunks that allows you to squeeze an extra car out during that time. If you give customers a choice, most will want their trunk vacuumed and that costs more money.
Cobblestone's policy is an example of "the customer is always wrong" mentality that has become pervasive in most service industries. The problem with this kind of thinking is that it results in short term profits while sacrificing long-term customer retention. I won't be back, nor will many others.