More of an off broadway low budget show. It's a fairly simple act with a handful of break dance routines mixed with some video story telling.
Very small venue and depending on your seating it can be very difficult to see as the people in front of you will block a portion of the stage.
The show is short. The performance I was at clocked in at 1HR and 15MIN.
They have 3 routines where they pluck out an unsuspecting audience member. They make the member do a lot. While it was funny, I'd rather see the performers than shy/embarrassed audience members entertaining me.
The routines are a bit redundant and frankly sort of boring. The routines that have the more complicated moves are clearly more enjoyable.
This show is good for younger children. Older teens not so much. Adults, probably less so.
Bottom line... for $100 per ticket I expected a bit more. The kids I took did enjoy the show and that is all that really mattered in the end.
If you are a couple of adults I'd splurge for a Cirque show instead.