Not bad for right down the street to where I live, but not great in the scheme of things. I had never had a dog before so when I got one I had a lot of questions. I asked the vet there what kind of food my dog should be eatting and all she could tell me was "a quality one, like the one we offer here". She also told me my dog was very badly behaved. Which would be differnt if she actually was a bad dog but number one I had just gotten her from the humane society and was just learning to work with her and number two the context in which she was telling me this was when they were trying to take her temp analy...and all my dog was doing was moving around, no barking no biting and no jumping. Just because she wouldn't sit still to get something up her butt makes her a bad dog?
If you can get passed all that, they are prety cheep, and have a wide range of availability. They also did successfully get my dog healthy after I adopted her...she had three different kinds of worms and couldn't keep down food.