I lived at Fountains for three years, just moved out last week. Never once missed or was late for a payment and was a respectful resident. We did not get any of our deposit back ($300) and OWE $50.00 because we painted a bedroom and didn't paint it back when we left. Before we painted the room we asked the property manager if that was ok and she said yes, no charge will be applied. About two months ago, my bike was stolen from the garage after it was locked up. I sent the staff an e-mail asking if they have cameras in the garage because my bike was stolen, did not get a response. I even sent another e-mail thinking they missed it in the shuffle, no response. There is dog poop EVERYWHERE on the grounds of this complex- not only outside, but inside as well. One time there was dog poop in the inside hallway for 4 days before it was cleaned up. When people break things in this complex, it takes weeks for them to fix it, if they even fix it at all. Save yourself the frustration and live in one of the many other Southend apartment's, this one is a mess.