My rating is based only on customer relations, which is an important aspect of any business. I phoned Darryl's Plumbing this morning. Usually, businesses answer the phone with the name of the company. If I call a business and someone answers with only "Hello," I suspect that I might have the wrong number. Anyway, the conversation went like this:
Darryl: Hello.
Me: Good morning, is this Darryl's Plumbing?
Darryl: Who is this?
Me: My name is Randy.
Darryl: Okay.
Me: So is this Darryl's Plumbing?
Darryl (in a gruff voice): Yes, but you need to say who you are and who you represent because I get calls all the time.
At this point, I just hung up the phone, because I work too hard for my money to give it to someone who's disrespectful to a potential customer. I called another business and got my problem taken care of by a very pleasant person. If you choose to call Darryl's Plumbing, please be aware of how he expects you to address him on the telephone.