Don't like this big space fool you, it's a dirty library.
If you are in for some fun, try going up to the circulation desk and asking one of the uhh....surly....I mean public assistant for help looking for a book. First you will be redirected to speak to a librarian (even though you know the title and author of the book, you just want to put the item on hold...Really it's just that simple....not so fast...
If you are going after regular business hours 5pm, prepare to wait....
Depending on the genre of your title, you may end up waiting by the libriarian's desk downstairs if it's a children's book or go upstairs for an adult title. Make the trek up to the second floor or otherwise wait for up to 20 minutes....When it's finally your turn they take less than a minute to put your item on hold and that's it..Service is minimal depending on the librarian that is serving you...Let me put it this way, helpful staff going out of their way to help you are far and few between.
You've been warned. Oh and you would do well to take a bath right after you return from this library.