| - This is, by far, one of the best kept secrets of Champaign-Urbana. I'm hesitant to even mention it on Yelp lest hoards of yelpers show up before me next week and buy out all the pork tenderloin. But I can't resist ooohing and ahhing about the wonderful gem that is the Meat Sales Room.
Yes, it's tucked away in a nondescript building that is currently really difficult to access due to road construction. Yes, they keep extremely limited hours. Yes, the entire place smells like butchered meat.
But oh my goodness, the meat. If you're looking for meat that's affordable, fresh, and delicious, look no further. They offer fresh and cooked meats, and I have yet to be anything less than thrilled by what I've bought. The brats are phenomenal (although sometimes a bit thick-skinned), the ground beef made perfect Memorial Day burgers, the pork tenderloin was moist and delicious, and the steaks made me drool.
In addition to the basics, you can also get eggs (30 at a time), "snack sticks" (like beef jerky), hotdogs, brats, and whole chickens.
The cuts of meat aren't labeled, so if you don't know your cuts don't hesitate to ask. They also sometimes have frozen cuts if fresh ones aren't available. And be warned: they do sell out, and they don't have everything every week--just depends on what was butchered that week.