If you give your credit card please know that they put a hold on it for $50.00. Unfortunately even though I did not want to give the card but was forced to because I felt that there was no other option beside leaving I took it. To make a long story short, I paid my bill cash and a half hour later looked at my credit card account and they ran it for the amount I already paid. Tried to talk to the GM steve and yes I was upset because I like the place, but hate a hustle, smoking mirrors, what ever you call it this day. We talked and he said he would take care if it in the morning, the problem is that they think it is okay to hold your card for $50 with out getting any authorization or billing it after you paid in cash! Why is it okay for this to happen? As far as I have always know, an establishment can never put a hold on a card with authorization( signature) and then when you call and are upset( which Is a common response) they act like it is you fault. Great place when it comes to the bill, watch your money( or should I say unauthorized holds on your credit cards that they ask for)