| - When I first moved to Toronto and found myself walking up and down Front Street way more than one probably should, I found this little book shop tucked away between a couple of larger fronts. It's fairly unassuming and you'd probably miss it if you were in a hurry to get to the theatre or St. Lawrence Market ( But sure enough, there's a book shop. Independent from the Indigo/Chapters franchise, it sits quietly waiting for those in need of a great read.
The range of books is in the higher ranges of literature but certainly not exclusionary either. There's always some section or author I can find there that will be completely new to me. Leave your bags at the cash, find a book, and feel free to drink in the ambiance. On my first trip into the store, I was shocked to find not only couches by a fireplace, but there was encouragement to sit down, enjoy the warmth, and try the book on for size before you buy.
Yes, you're not going to see many "30% off" stickers on the books you pick up, but there are some intangibles that make the shopping experience fantastic. You should go on and treat yourself.