| - I went into their store to get some dog food. While I was there, I asked about grooming. I have a St. Bernard. The clerk (a man) said the groomer comes in at night to do bigger dogs a couple times a week starting at 5:15 pm. I asked how much it would be and the man said between $60-$65. So I made the appointment. I showed up a few minutes early for my appointment and the female clerk was nice. She talked a lot. The man I had made the appointment with a few weeks earlier was also there but not friendly at all. The groomer finally showed up exactly at 5:15. The clerk said, "oh your St. Bernard appointment is here." The groomer was NOT friendly at all. She said hi to my dog then told me she needed to get things ready. So I waited longer. She came out to get us and I said, I'll take her back. She wasn't too happy I had to go back to the grooming area. I checked out the area and it was typical grooming equipment, bathtub, ramp, blow dryers, etc. I asked how long as my husband was picking her up. She said around 7:30 she'll be done and she would call, which she did call about 20 minutes before she was done. My husband showed up and I asked him to pick out a treat for our dog. When it came time to pay, total cost was a whopping $110!! What happened to the $60-$65??? When my husband questioned it, the man clerk said he doesn't set the prices, but he did when I specifically asked HOW MUCH when I made the appointment. I would've shopped around if I would've know the price was more than what I was quoted. I've been to Spawoof in the past and they never charged over $75. Never again will I visit this store. I'll buy my dog food from Mounds from now on.