Dear Management of Fairways at Piper Glen:
Since we are are unable to get a resolution, hopefully this yields your attention....
It's very disturbing that we moved in over a month ago (7/15/17) and our air filter was not changed before hand. We have had a work order in since 7/24/17 and it still has not been changed, meanwhile my elderly aunt who suffers from asthna and my 3 year old are coughing and sneezing constantly.
This has been the most unpleasant experience I've EVER had at an apartment complex since living I Charlotte (2006). From roaches/"waterbugs" to the inoperable oven/stove upon move in. This is not what I was expecting living in Ballantyne and paying over $1200 for our 2BD. Management never answers the phone, is always short staffed and continues to put in work orders that are not completed. How long would it take to change an air filter....10 minutes tops? The blatant disregard is unacceptable and I expect your manager to reach out to us regarding this matter.