| - Everything Sheryl T. said. Princess Hair and Beauty Supply is disappointingly lacking in terms of hair product/accessory inventory, and while the salesmen are friendly, they don't know much about women's hair. Occasionally, I'd drop by and one of them would be on the phone or otherwise engaged, and his grammar-school-aged son would be manning the counter, which was a turn-off. I dunno; transactions with 9-year-olds sometimes feel weird, you know?
I would pick up my Dark N' Lovely hair dye here sometimes since I lived around the corner, but I'd usually hold out till Saturday and go to Modern Hair on Shakespeare St. in East Liberty if I really wanted to make a haul. On the upside, Princess's cosmetics selection is decent, and for our wedding last May, I did wind up getting some ruby-red glitter nail polish and a jumbo eyeshadow palette here that hadn't arrived at Modern Hair yet. They also sell clothes, though I never saw any that appealed, and the wig selection is pretty skimpy.
Two and a half stars. The extra half star is for being open late, being close to our old house in Pittsburgh and because they carried more than two shades of Dark N' Lovely, which is always appreciated. That nail polish was pretty awesome, come to think of it, so I'll bump it up to three for the displayed review. I'd like to see this store succeed, and in terms of location, hours, and intent, it's poised to do so. If the owner got to know the women of Garfield and Friendship better and asked them what they'd like to see at Princess, or better yet, hired actual women to interact with the female customers, it would be a huge step in the right direction.