.HEATH DEPARTMENT NOTIFIED TODAY!! This buffet just reopened. Has been CLOSED by heath deaprtment 4 times in past year. Last night I saw yet ANOTHER reason to walk out. The live action mongolian BBQ cooking station. You choose your own raw meats & vegetables & hand it to the cook to cook it in front of you. I filled my plate with wet raw chicken , he cooked it & the put the meal BACK ON THE PLATE where the raw chicken had just been! Didn't even wipe the plate (not that that wouldve helped) You can make people VERY sick doing that! Thank goodness I had my eyes open & realized it in time to walk out before getting salmonella. Guys that is food safety 101. Other dishes were out at room temp for a long time & they had a HUGE knife sitting on the buffet to cut your own beef. A kid could easily grab that & hurt himself. This place will be sued or closed again soon,