| - I see I'm greatly outnumbered here, but I didn't enjoy my experience here at all. Admittedly, I'm not a big buffet fan, and Kumo did little to change that. I am a big sushi fan however, but theirs was just bad. It was gummy and chewy, probably from sitting out, although I was there early for lunch. The crab dishes were all fake crab and there were no crab legs when I was there. The rest of the food was pretty much average Chinese fried dishes, mostly battered chicken with overcooked veggies. There were a few things that were pretty good, although by the time I put a variety on my plate, it was hard to distinguish one from another. I didn't realize until later that they had a station towards the back where you can choose your meat and vegetables, and they cook it on the spot. This probably would have been a better option.
If you are a big Asian buffet fan, Kumo is probably better than most but I must admit, I was glad I was at a buffet when I saw the waiter leave the bathroom without washing his hands!