I love Ian's. Having moved to Madison from the Northeast, where pizza-by-the slice is a staple, I was thrilled when Ian's arrived on the scene. I am also very happy for Ian and how well his business is thriving. I am familiar with Ian's conceptual mothership, Antonio's Pizza in Amherst, Massachusetts, so I appreciate inventive pizza. I know Ian's caters to its Midwest, beer-guzzling undergrad crowd with mac 'n' cheese and other heavy slices like the shepherd's pie. But I love Ian's for its 'fresher' recipes, such as black bean-avocado-feta and the kalamata olive tapenade- based mediterranean slices. Lately, I have been somewhat disappointed by the limited availability of these 'fresher' options and especially by the designation of certain of these as "seasonal." I wonder if Ian would consider resurrecting perhaps one of these recipes at a time to rotate throughout the off-seasons. Regardless, Ian's is my favorite quick-eat near campus.