So the devil has allowed me a few days escape from my interminable resting place down there and naturally I decided to visit an ice cream shop before I was sent back.
Unfortunately I chose this "Gelato Cafe" on the outdoor patio at the Fashion Show Mall facing the Wynn:
I love analyzing bad businesses. First of all the pricing scheme is a mess with 3 one ounce scoops of gelato costing $5 and then $2.50 for each additional 1 ounce scoop. Really jackasses? Tiny little cups of nothingness for lots of cash, that was your brilliant idea?
Coldstone Creamery has this place cold stone crushed with a monster banana split or chocolate indulgence extravaganza for $6 or so.
Secondly they try to do too much with their menu and offerings - they're selling sandwiches and bagels on there. Why. Focus!
Oh and finally this is sort of important - their "gourmet" gelato product is not particularly good - it tastes thin and icy like a sorbet, so if you're really jonesing for ice cream, this might not satisfy. So it's not even about the money really.
Terry Fator is an awesome Vegas fixture:
Gelato Cafe not so much.