We were starved by the time we got here. The smell permeates the cold, winter air at least a block away from the entrance. You walk in and you see pastries to the right and a nice selection of beverages on the left. Rarely, do I see Guarana being sold in a large bottle, so I was already knew I would love this place once I saw that. There was always a line, but it moved fast.
I'm sad that I missed out on the rice. That would have been great with the chicken. I went w/ the quarter thigh combo. The chicken is so tender and the skin is thin and crispy. The flavor was great and solid throughout the whole piece. I only regret not getting a whole chicken lol. At the counter, they'll brush the chicken off w/ either spicy or hot. I opted for the former and it wasn't that spicy, but still good. Haha the salad I found funny because it literally gets overshadowed by the excess of fries on top.