Zips Dry Cleaning is just straight up amazing. It's cheap and good and near my house, which is everything I am looking for in an anything.
The good:
- Getting my winter coat cleaned was under $14. She even lint rolled all the cat hair off of it in front of me
- She sewed 2 buttons back on, FOR FREE. I didn't even have all the buttons, and she was like 'no problem'
- They have an amazing OLD sewing machine that is very cool looking
- They hem pants
- They have crazy high quality dry cleaning tickets that they tear off your order from. Like seriously laminated paper.
The bad:
- I always get tricked into drinking Red Rocket coffee because of it's proximity to Zips. But really, I trick myself. I dunno, there is nothing bad about this place.
5 stars. not much to say. Great, cheap, close to me.