A far cry from academic pursuits, this little club is where locals are looking to study more than just books. Gone are the tourists and heavy tippers, just another theme of business casual ladies with black rimmed glasses giving patrons quite the eyeful (#1).
And while I'm not a huge fan of these types of places for reasons my wallet can only tell, I have to give it up for this venue because it manages to do well with a theme that doesn't attract gramps with the RV or California road warriors just looking for fun. The prices are about right ($5-10 cover + $8 drinks) and the ambiance is about as serene as any real library could be, at least before 10PM. After that it's a dive bar that just happens to have a scantily clad (#2) staff.
None of these librarians ever hassle folks for attention. It's similar to Montreal style - where the patron solicits for the attention, not the other way around. Thankfully the place isn't so divey that skeevy visitors are around to declass the joint up - instead it's a nice mix of all walks of life, one that includes women who you think are part of the gig (oh happy hour), when in fact they're just spectators.
But a strip joint close the strip it is not. It's located closer to downtown, just heels off of the highway, an area that screams shady than anything. Come in a group and have a blast and let the people with plenty of disposable income have fun getting poor and nothing else (!) at the other places. And no, I'm not referring to the casinos.
(#1) or eyesore. Take your pick.
(#2) Severe understatement.