This morning I was in a community to meet with a client for the first time. I missed the turn into her neighborhood and had to make a u-turn. 30 minutes into meeting with this homeowner and giving her an estimate for 3 new air conditioners potentially a $20,000 project Capt. Xxxxxx appears in this homeowners backyard, interrupts us and demands to speak to the owner of the Tundra. "That is me I say". Clearly I'm with a homeowner and he says "you need to come with me and leave the premises!". How embarrassing for me and even the homeowner was very uncomfortable. He insisted I didn't check in with the front gate because a camera caught me doing a u-turn and briefly driving down a one-way on accident. I explained how I did check in. He called and verified I did in fact check in on speaker in front of us and the homeowner. I apologized and said I'm sorry it was an accident. But to Mr. Capt. I was now his pray and he was hungry! The appointment obviously went to heck at this point. The homeowner and I were very uncomfortable and really could not focus on the point in hand. The security officer tried to remove me from the backyard but the homeowner said "we are almost done please let him finish." After the appointment the security guy is waiting for me in front of the house to cite me for what was clearly a mistake. I apologized numerous times for having made this mistake but he didn't care.
At the end of the day I'm not terribly concerned with the $100 citation more the extreme unprofessionalism of this company and that the way he handled this. It may very well may have cost me a $20,000 job. I will pay my violation fee and pursue this company for damages to my business legally.