The Hotel Manager Ryan should look for another career.. I had a company deliver a honeymoon gift to my friend and her new hubby who were staying at the hotel..They had totally dropped the ball on getting it to them before they checked out even though I called to confirm delivery and name and each rep said yes it was there in there fridge waiting to get picked up by my friend (for 2 days) .. He proceeded to explain that It goes thru business center (like how the hell am I suppose to know that) blamed it on another area of the hotel instead of stepping up as a hotel manager and correcting the issue! He was just completely unprofessional and talked to me like a little kid .. Then pretty much said I'm SOL to go thru the concierge next time! I was furious! Then he transferred me to the business department .. KATHLEEN the poor associate who got the call could tell the frustration in my voice, begin to look into the situation and since my friends checked into another hotel she had stated she would personally drop it off herself since it was right down the street (why couldn't Ryan do that instead of passing on the issue) there should be more people like Kathleen who go above and beyond for guest and customers etc. She should be recognized for her outstanding customer service and handling the situation professionally and going above and beyond ... Thank you Kathleen!!