The Management does not communicate properly with tenants in regards to changes, or notices. They nickel and dime you. If any questions are asked, responses are vague and they blame the tenant or policy.
I am done, after today, no more. I haven't moved out earlier because, who likes moving but the management here is beyond any kind of help and self accountability. I chose to live here and I regret it.
When I got changed units from the one I had originally rented on move in day, I should have walked away but I needed a place and said ok.
There are some good points, it is not all negative.
The loud music and accompanying bangs from my neighbors always keeps things interesting. The smell from the pig farm makes me grateful for the smell of weed coming from the hallways at night so, that's nice. The pool is nice when they remove the fecal matter that floats in it. Both times I have wanted to use it, there were floaters in it. The dog poopy area is never picked up, so the tenants don't give a s#!t and nobody from the staff picks it up so..... on a plus, the sprinklers always come on so there is a slurry of dog fecal matter/runoff on the sidewalk on the way to the workout room. That feeds the roaches which brings me to my next point.
I have never lived anywhere with as many spiders, cockroaches (of all sizes) and ... I'm guessing this is what Noah must have felt like on the ark, really. They are everywhere and they are coming in. It doesn't matter how much I spray inside or out, they come in. I keep my place pretty clean so I know it is not from me and my neighbors complain about the same thing.
When I first moved in the place was different, lots of military folks. Now, the demographics have changed, a lot.
I give this place two stars, not one, Why? Well, it could always be worse.
At least there is a Fresh and Easy close by.