I travel 80% of the year nationally, for my own business. I like to think I'm economically minded - and I try and stay at moderate to low cost hotels in the areas that I have clients in. I prefer to stay with the same chain wherever I travel - so long as the service and up-keep of the properties I stay at - remains consistently good.
This particular property is the one I stay at when I'm 'off-the-road'. They have had significant staff turnover at this property - and consistently bad service at the front desk. In addition, the staircases are constantly dirty - the exterior security door access equipment has been non-functional for MONTHS now - and the property in general is in a constant state of disrepair.
I'd like to think the District Manager or Regional Manager - or SOMEONE in management at Extended StayAmerica - reads these reviews and pays attention to what customers are saying. In my business, your reputation precedes you - and I do everything I can to make sure my reputation remains good.
Perhaps someone within the leadership ranks at Extended Stayamerica - feels the same way about customers like me - who try and remain loyal to the brand - but who are finding it increasingly difficult - due to some of the above issues I've mentioned.
I'm reachable via this YELP account - if someone with a little backbone and interest would like to discuss what I've observed at this particular property over the last 3+ years that I've stayed here.
My suggestion to anyone considering staying at this property is - DON'T !!! Especially if you are planning on an 'EXTENDED STAY'.