It was billed as the future of healthcare. And it was ... past tense. Quite a lot of changes at Turntable have ... well ... turned the tables. No longer is this a high-quality, high touch clinic with laser-focus on customer service and patient care. Instead it's shifted to a practice that is focused nearly entirely on Culinary Health workers. I guess if you're one of those you may be in good stead, but if you're just someone like me who paid a monthly fee, you get less service. Showed up this morning for an appointment (scheduled) with my doctor. Was told my doctor "was too busy to see me" because he was "seeing scheduled patients" ... Um. Yeah, so I was one of those. They also have removed their lab services so now getting blood draws etc... requires a trip elsewhere. As someone who was a member of Turntable before they even opened it was sad this morning when I canceled my membership effective immediately. I have no doubt that the doctors there remain among the best in the city, but accessing them is just not worth the time or effort. Now off to find a doctor ...
I just have to update after this week's experience. I had a minor injury that I thought I'd handled but it wasn't quite healing. I emailed a pic to my doctor who responded immediately asking if I could come in. Unfortunately I was stuck at work all day. I then got an email from my health advocate asking if it was okay FOR THEM
TO COME TO ME?!? Yes. That's right. I had an injury and was stuck at work so my medical team came to me. They arrived, sorted the situation and the injury is now healing fine. Amazing.