| - So, I've been driving past this unassuming storefront for years, always noting in the back of my head that I should stop by. I did today...I am very, VERY happy I did.
I was greeted at the door by a very nice young lady who told me that I could not only look around, but sample just about anything in the place. Then, I did a reconnoiter.
The Outlet features loads of spices, rubs, sauces and some cookware items and all of it reasonably priced and of very high quality. I got some Saigon Cinnamon that I'd not seen anywhere else, and saved at least a few dollars on the price after comparing online. They bag their own spices and other items, thus saving the customer money in the packaging department, and they have everything you could want (in good volume) for making meals for two or twenty-two.
Now, the presentation of the place is quite simple, compared to more...trendy places, but it's clean, the folks are nice and helpful, and they don't stick you on the prices. Not only that, but through their mail order site, at, you can order all the stuff you see on the shelves and more.
I intend to stop there more often, and to do a lot, if not all, of my spice shopping there in the near future.
So, look for this little treasure on Mayfield Road and try a new "outlet" for cooking magic:)