I'd say 3.5 stars. The service was pretty good, the morning drinks were delicious, but our food was meh. I think we maybe ordered wrong, but that still lays claim to meh food for us.
I ordered the blt... which wasn't really a blt. It was more like a pork sandwich with lettuce and tomato. If I'd known, I would have ordered something else because I'm not really into large chunks of pork. Just a preference thing. The chicken and biscuits were pretty good. But the dryness of the biscuits took over the amazingness of the chicken. The chicken was spectacular though!
The deviled eggs were pretty good and I liked the 8 minute cookies (some of my party didn't). My hot chocolate was insanely delicious and kept me super warm on a cold day - love that you can spike all your drinks.
Overall, not sure it was worth the price we paid, but I'm still glad we tried it.