I've been seeing ads and billboards for the Blue Man Group for years and years, but I had this preconceived notion that all they did was play random objects as instruments, which I had no interest in whatsoever. My boyfriend and I go to Vegas about 5 or 6 times a year and usually opt to see a Cirque du Soleil show. Finally we found a good deal on tickets through Travelzoo, so we decided to go see what the fuss is about.
This show is AWESOME! When you come see this, don't expect a big production or lots of artistry like you get with a Cirque show. That's not what this show's about. I don't think it's appropriate to compare BMG to a Cirque show because they are two very different kinds of entertainment. Some of the skits are very simple. As simple as just holding up large posterboards with funny messages on them, but every skit is very very well thought out. They are hysterically funny, which I didn't expect.
I didn't give them 5 stars because that's only reserved for things that completely blow me away, but if I could give them 4.5 stars then I would. Search Travelzoo for discounted tickets and go with an open mind. You won't regret it.