| - I set up an A/C tune-up appointment with a different company, but since they couldn't come out for 2.5 weeks, I called William's and they came out the very next day. Paula, the lady that I talked to at William's, was very nice and personable.
Note: I notice that the A/C companies advertise this service as an A/C tune-up (even the paperwork they give you in the end says "Certificate of Tune-Up Service"), but it's not an actual tune-up. The techs say that it's just a check-up. They don't change or fix anything; they just check the units and make recommendations as to what needs to be changed or fixed.
So the William's tech comes out and right off the bat, knowing how old our units are, he's talking about replacing the whole thing, or at least the motor fans. Now I realize we're in the desert and these units have a limited lifespan - and ours are right about there - but talking about a major expense without even having opened the units yet is shady to me.
Two-and-a-half weeks later, the A/C tech from the other company calls (I didn't cancel that appointment, so I could get a second opinion). So he comes and inspects the units, outside AND inside the house - went up into the attic and everything - he was very thorough. The Williams tech never even checked or asked about the part of the units that's inside the house, but he checked the "Inspect/Clean indoor blower & motor" boxes in the Certificate of Tune-up.
Recap at end of check-up with the OTHER A/C company:
Tech: How old are the units again?
Me: Oh, about 13 years old
Tech: Looks like you've had some work done on them... new motor fans, new capacitors.
Me: Oh?
Tech: Yeah, those are new.
Me: OH! That's right! One of those units went out a couple of years ago and we did have some work done. I forgot all about that.
So the fans are relatively new and I felt that the William's tech was scaring us into getting new ones asap, like it could go out any day now. Glad I got a second opinion. Maybe I'll get a third, just to be sure.